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July 18, 2009

Critics praise new album!
Critical consensus lauds Jeremy and Rebecca’s debut album

A host of positive reviews have been coming through for Jeremy and Rebecca's debut album, What We Leave Behind.  Praise amongst critics has been abundant and unanimous, eloquently described by one as "a stunning album of feel good moments buoyed by Jeremy Hendrickson's solid songwriting and Rebecca Hendrickson's dazzling voice". (Wildly Haskell)

A common sentiment expressed amongst reviewers is their amazement that such an ambitious and impressive project was produced by independent artists.

"Every aspect, every musician, every bit of production is impeccable. It is difficult to believe that this is essentially a grassroots operation..." (Julian Gorman)

Also noted by all is that Jeremy and Rebecca have achieved the daring and almost impossible goal of successfully incorporating several musical styles within the scope of a single project.

One reviewer notes that despite the diversity of styles, "these songs are all so well written, so well produced, and most importantly, so well performed, it all works to come together to create something that sounds like it should all be together. ... This is an amazing accomplishment for a seasoned veteran let alone someone trying to break through." (Rod Ames)

But beyond its obvious technical achievement, the album is also being received as "a beautiful, poignant, and believable work of art". (Gorman)

"... Jeremy and Rebecca shouldn't be shy about promoting What We Leave Behind. Instead, they should be proud as peacocks of this sparkling 12-song achievement. Even if this recording were the only legacy they left behind, they would have still done extremely well." (Dan MacIntosh)


For a complete list of reviews and to read each in its entirety, visit: http://www.jeremyandrebecca.com/reviews.php